Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Playing Poker

Be conservative.
Poker players, and even entire poker games, can be characterized as either tight or loose. A loose player stays in every hand until the showdown, bets and raises with mediocre hands, and generally loses more money than he makes. A tight player folds most hands before ever making a bet. He doesn't spend money throwing chips into the pot to save earlier bets. He knows a bad hand is a bad hand, and he won't play with it. Poker is a game of patience. Good players know they will lose a little money on many hands, waiting for the right hand to come along.

Know when to be aggressive.
It's certainly possible to play too tight. When a good hand comes along, raise, and raise again. That's when a good poker player earns her money.

Know the odds.
You don't have to be a mathematician, or even memorize long tables of statistics. Just be observant and consider how many cards of each kind are in a deck.
In a game of Texas Hold'em, if you have three of a kind, this is usually a good hand. But if there are four Diamonds on the board, chances are at least one other player has a Diamond in his hand, and that Flush would easily beat your set. Time to fold.
In a Seven-Card Stud game, imagine that you're holding four Clubs to a Flush. You can bet aggressively on drawing that fifth Club if there aren't any others showing, because that increases the odds that there's another one in the deck. If there are already five Clubs showing in other players' hands, the odds of drawing to that Flush are significantly lower.

Weigh cost against the pot.
Sometimes you might have a hand you wouldn't normally play with. If you've stayed in the hand, and you're close to the river, consider how much is in the pot versus how much you have to call to stay in. If it will only cost you $5 to stay in a hand with $250 in the pot, it's worth the risk. You could lose with that hand 40 times, but if you win it once when there's a significant pot, you'll make money. A big pot can make bad odds good.

Have standards.
You won't have time to consider odds and ponder all the possible outcomes of a hand at the table. Know the game you're playing, and know what kind of opening hand you should play with. If your opening draw doesn't meet your standards, fold.

Bluff rarely.
A bluff works best when no one expects it. They won't expect a bluff from a conservative player, or from one with a reputation for never bluffing. You have to bluff occasionally, though. Otherwise, the other players will know you have a good hand any time you bet aggressively, and they'll fold.

Although poker is game of chance at its core, there are good poker players and there are bad poker players. A bad player will get lucky now and then, and every good player hits stretches of bad luck, but over the long term, a good player will make money at poker. In fact, there are quite a few professional poker players in the world.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Additional Backjack Strategy

Here are some basic rules to abide by when playing BlackJack and the best advice I can give you is to learn them and just do them! Statistically they should produce a winning outcome.

1. Your deal is Less than 11
If your first two cards are equal to eleven or less you always draw another card. No matter what card the Dealer is showing you must always assume that the dealer has a ten hidden.

2. Your deal is between 12 to 16
If your cards total 12 to 16 (Danger Zone), whether you draw or stand depends on what the dealer is showing.
If the dealer has a card showing between 7 to an Ace, you should draw until you are over 16.If the dealer has a card showing between 2 to 6, you should not draw another card.
Exception: If you have 12 and the dealer is showing a 2 or 3 you should draw one more card only.

3. Your deal is between 17 to 20
If you have cards total between 17 to 20, you should never draw another card. The only time you should draw another card under the above circimstances is when you have a soft 17 or 18.
When the player has a soft 17 or 18 it is a good idea to draw if the dealer is showing any card from a 9 to an Ace.
Insurance is often not recommended, since you are betting that the dealer will receive a BlackJack (21). You are playing to beat the dealer not bet that he will beat you.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Five Roulette Tips

Five Roulette Tips to Dramatically Increase Your Profits!

Five Roulette Tips to Dramatically Increase Your Profits!Roulette is the third most popular casino game worldwide, after slots and video poker.Why is it so popular? Well it is fun, exciting, easy to play, and has certain glamour attached to it, thanks to James Bond!The fact that it is so simple to play means that many players just play roulette without thinking about how to maximize their winning potential.

Roulette Tip 1: Play European Roulette

The best roulette wheel to play is the European wheel as it reduces the casino advantage to an acceptable 2.63%.The American version with an extra 00 almost doubles the house advantage, so stick with the European wheel.

Roulette Tip 2: Best Bets

Another advantage on the European table is the en prison rule on even-money bets.When the 0 comes up, your bet remains, (is captured), for the next spin. If you win on the next spin, you aren't paid for the win, but you are allowed to take your original bet back; so you only lose half your bet. The House edge on even money bets with the en prison rule and single zero is now reduced to 1.35% making it the best bet on the table.Talking of best bets lets look at the worst bet in roulette - The five number bet of 0, 00, 1, 2, 3 blasts that 5.26% out of the house with an edge of 7.89% to the casino, so avoid this one!Generally, stick to the bets with lower odds, and avoid single number bets. Playing red or black gives you a chance of winning 50% of the time minus the house edge. This is an attractive bet as it keeps you in the game longer, has respectable odds and allows you to maximize your bankroll.

Roulette Tip 3: Don't Get Emotional!

Don't get emotional when you play. Keep in mind roulette is a game of pure chance, so make sure you set a bankroll you are happy with IN ADVANCE, and when it's lost you leave the game.Roulette is very emotional and exciting, so it is easy to spend those chips quickly, without thinking about it!Also, don't get angry or frustrated if you lose Roulette is a fun game first, moneymaking is a bonus.

Roulette Tip 4: Don't Believe In Sure Fire Systems

You will see roulette systems on the net offered for just a few dollars that guarantee you huge consistent profits. Yeah right! If they were true, keep in mind the vendor would not be selling them! They would keep the system to themselves and make a million or more!Roulette is a game of chance, so forget sure-fire systems.

Roulette Tip 5: Why Are You Playing?

Of all our roulette tips this is the first one we would ask players to consider.You need to ask yourself, is your overriding aim in gambling, to make money or have fun?If you answered fun, then roulette is for you. If your overriding motivation is to make money, then you should pick a game like blackjack, where you can actually put the odds in your favour.Blackjack is not as exciting, or as much fun as roulette, but you will have the opportunity to make much more money!Roulette is fun, exciting, and with the above tips, you can put the odds a little in your favour.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Secrets to winning at Roulette

The Guide
How It Works All of the odds on a Roulette table are based on the 'Law of averages' minus one or two points. This way, the Casino can only gain money from you playing the table. Until now - we have blown away the stupid 'Law of Averages' and turned it to the players' advantage. Yes, surely the Casino might "Cotton on" eventually, but when is a different matter. If you think about it, how many people are there playing on online Casinos? You wouldn't believe me if I told you! We are talking millions of people. Compare that to the number of people using the following system and it'll be something like one in 3 million. Every Casino has an "Acceptable Loss', therefore giving us all plenty of time to win some serious money before they can figure out some new gaming rules! Now, for the details of my system. Firstly, we have tried and tested numerous online Casinos, and come to realise the same as other 'System Writers' have - all systems work best in one particular casino. For this reason, we seriously recommend that you only play this system at tried and tested casino.

I advise that to make the most of my betting system you transfer $200 to the account - don't worry, you will be able to transfer it straight back out again within a few minutes! For GUARANTEED results, you should leave your initial money in your casino account as 'sitting money'. 'Sitting money' is money that you deposit to gain the bonus but don't actually use to play with. So your actual money is never in danger of being lost. All the experienced pros know that casino accounts with 'sitting money' in them are looked upon more favourably by the casino 'system' and that you will get much further when you do yourself this favour and leave some sitting money' in your account. Just remember you NEVER use the sitting money to play with. So if you deposit $200 sitting money and they give you the $200 bonus, you will have $400 in total to play with. Then you continue to play with this system and make more money. If you make a mistake etc and therefore lose the $200 free money from your $400 total, you still wont have lost a single penny of your own real money (if you continue from here with your own $200, that is ok, but just be sure to follow this system so you only make money from that point onwards). This is the 100% risk free method I use to guarantee my own results with this system. So leave some sitting money in your casino account to guarantee your results. Also, if $200 seems like too much to deposit, then I recommend that you transfer no less than $88. Again, you will be able to withdraw your original deposit within a few minutes, but try and leave it in there as sitting money for best results! Remember, you will never lose a penny of your own money by following my system. YOU CAN TRY THIS SYSTEM IN PRACTICE PLAY YOU DO NOT NEED TO DEPOSIT ANY CASH TO TRY IT OUT

The System is based on betting on the Low / Middle / High fields ONLY. You simply bet on the same one, with only a slight rise in stake each time, until it wins. I know that some of you will be thinking "oh no, that sounds dangerous..." but please, read on... These fields have a 1 in 3 chance of winning according to the "Law of Averages" and give a return of 2 to 1. By following our system, you only need 1 in 17 to be a winner! (Depending on your balance) This way, you have more than quadrupled the "Law of Averages" and given yourself an unbelievable advantage! First of all. you will need to understand what these bets are:
1) This is a bet on "Low". You win if any number from 1-12 (Inclusive) comes in.
2) This is a bet on "Middle". You win if any number from 13-24 (Inclusive) comes in.
3) This is a bet on "High". You win if any number from 25-36 (Inclusive) comes in.

If you follow our instructions, you will gain between $1 and $3 for every winning number, regardless of how many losing ones you have had! Now, print off the table below and keep it next to you, with a pen. The document should look something like this: The idea with this is to keep a precise record of exactly how the table you are betting on is 'Running'. There is no point to betting at random, so please, be accurate with this.

What you need to do is every time you spin the wheel, record whether a 'Low,' (M) 'Middle' (M) or 'High' (H) number drops in. For example, if you are on a table and spin the wheel ten times, and the following numbers drop in: 04, 11, 36, 14, 20, 25, 02, 33, 13, 16, your table would look like the following: When you begin to play roulette, DO NOT place ANY bets at all. Patience is the key now. Keep spinning the wheel and recording what numbers drop in on your table. What you are waiting for is a consecutive run where 1 of the sections of number has not come in for 7 spins. What I mean is this - say the following numbers now drop into the above table: 36, 30, 23 and 17, .

The table now looks like this A 'Low' number (L) hasn't dropped in for Seven consecutive spins. It's time to start betting! This could be either High (H), Middle (M) or Low (L) - you start betting when any one of the three have not come up for 7 spins. So as you can see, once a high, middle or low hasn't come up for seven spins you keep on betting on it until it does. Increase you stakes as shown in the table below under the 'Stakes' column and you will only lose if a high / middle or low section doesn't come up for 17 spins! You have more than quadruped the law of averages!! Remember to keep on recording what comes up as you are betting, you may need to start again on a different section once you have won. That really is how simple this system is!But, there is still more valuable information to be had so please read on... YOU CAN TRY THIS SYSTEM IN PRACTICE PLAYYOU DO NOT NEED TO DEPOSIT ANY CASH TO TRY IT OUT

Quick Review

1) Deposit money into your Casino On Net account. Make sure that yourfirst deposit is as high as you can possibly manage - up to a limit of $200 -roughly £105 (Although you can deposit ANY amount you want to below$200, the choice is yours! To play the system above correctly, $200 is recommended). Remember to leave all the money in the account "as sittingmoney' but only use the free $200 for this system. This way you can never lose your own money with my system. Here is exactly how you get the free money to bet with! Once you have logged into your account and have the software windowupon in front of you - click on 'Cashier' at the bottom left hand corner of the screen. Click on deposit I recommend using a credit card for your deposit although you can use adebit card or bank transfer. To use your credit card simply click on 'creditcard' enter the details and click 'Submit'. Once done, you will notice that you have twice the amount you deposited inyour online account! So if you deposited $200 you will have $400 in your online account. As a 'new player' you are entitled to play for free, click on roulette andthen on the single player garne and play in the following way. Do Not bet, record what comes up and wait for 7 of one field NOT coming up.

2) Start to bet on the field that hasn't come up.

3) Increase bet as shown in system table after every LOSE.

4) When you WIN, go back to 1. you have gained profit shown in gain section of table.
The best thing is that if at my point you don't feel comfortable withbetting or things start to go wrong simply exit the game and withdraw therest of your money. Please check the casino's terms and conditions for more information, this really is easy money! That's it! Get that cash into potential thousands quickly and easily!!! That's all you have to do to get your money - and it really is that simple. The only way that things will go wrong is if you do not follow the instructions to the exact letter. YOU CAN TRY THIS SYSTEM IN PRACTICE PLAY YOU DO NOT NEED TO DEPOSIT ANY CASH TO TRY IT OUT
Finally - A last few pointers that should help you along the way...

1) Try and leave some 'sitting money' in your casino account at all times, and try not to spend more than 15 - 20 minutes at each roulette table. I don't know why, but without any 'sitting money' in your account and after this amount of time, every table seems to get harder to play. 2) Avoid playing between 2 - 3PM. Again, I don't know why but always at this time the Casinos' seem harder to play.

3) DO NOT GET GREEDY! That is the major downfall of most players. Set a target and stick to it. Once reached, walk away. A good target is around $400 a day, you can of course build with your winnings.

4) Only ever bet what you can afford to lose. There is no point going bankrupt in a Casino!

5) Be disciplined & most importantly .... STICK TO THE RULES!